Saturday, September 28, 2013

Oh the winter time blues...

As the rain sets in here in Oregon many of us find that we are sucked in by the winter time blues. The days get shorter, wetter and colder and you can't help but wish that you could stay in bed all day and eat nothing but hot chocolate and candy. So in honor of the first great deluge of the season some tips for keeping your head above water and your mood out of the gutter:

1. Exercise- we don't want to do it and for some of us perhaps we think it is out of the range of possibility, think again. Exercise is possible for most of us. We don't have to be marathon runners or gym rats to get a little exercise. Try starting with 10 or 15 minutes of dancing or walking a day. If you have mobility issues there are some great chair yoga videos on you tube (look for links at the bottom of this post). Also many of the local aquatic centers have aqua aerobic classes which, I know I know sound lame, but they are really fun. Check out your local gym or aquatic center, if you need help locating a class please contact me and I will help you find out if there is a location near you. The bottom line is- get up and get moving. 

2. You are what you eat- If you are anything like me as soon as the cold weather sets in I want to start eating every bad food in sight. It is so much easier to eat healthy in the summer when fresh fruits and veggies are readily avalible. In the winter a lot of these foods go away and then you have to be much more careful about the processed foods. Those who suffer from winter depression tend to have a penchant for sweets which can get you into trouble quickly.  

3. Get outside- So the weather is crappy, this is Oregon. In most parts of the state we have learned to adapt to the rain. It is wet here for about 9 months out of the year, if you are going to let a little rain stop you you should probably move south. For the intrepid types, slip on that poncho and pull on those rain boots and get outside during daylight hours. Even 20 minutes a day can give you a little boost of vitamin D as well as a mental boost from the fresh air and exercise. There may not be much sunlight eeking through but it is there! 

4. Don't become a hermit- Get out and socilize whenever possible. CKD/ESRD can often be a lonely and scarey disease but you are not alone. Reach out to your friends and family, support groups both online and in your community. Knowing that there are other people out there who are going through what you are going through is so importiant. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for support when you need it. 

And last but not least....

5. Laugh- As they say "laughter is the best medicine". I don't knwo who said it but I am sure that they are right. Watch a funny movie, have a girls/guys night out, go to a hockey game or to a comedy club (Portland has some great comedy clubs if you like comedy). Just get out there and enjoy life, having an illness does not mean you have to give up fun. Show winter that you can still have fun even if it does rain on  your parade. 

In conclusion, don't let winter (or CKD) get the best of you. Get out there and do the things you want to do (even if sometimes it seems like staying in bed would be so much easier). Oregon is beautiful, even in the rain, enjoy it.

Chair Yoga Links

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